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7 Ways You Can Customise Member Jungle To Suit Your Club’s Needs


One common concern that people have before they sign up with Member Jungle is, “how easy is it to customise it to suit my needs?”. The answer is extremely customisable. Despite being an “off-the-shelf” solution to manage your club or association, almost every aspect of the system can be customised to better suit your club’s needs. 

So today, we are going to cover seven of the most useful ways that Member Jungle can be customised to better suit your club’s needs. 

How can Member Jungle be customised to suit your club’s needs: 

  1. Branding and design of your website, member portal and club app 
  2. Membership forms
  3. Membership levels
  4. Membership products
  5. Membership emails
  6. Membership groups
  7. Blog Module

#1 Branding & Design Of Your Website, Member Portal And Club App 

There are various ways to customise your Member Jungle website to suit your organisation’s requirements. This includes modifying the website design, adding images, club logos, club colours and branding. 

You can also customise the branding shown on the Member Jungle app. The mobile app updates automatically when website content changes, and you can personalise it to best reflect your organisation. This involves incorporating your own colour, brand, and background image and managing the options that members see on the mobile app homepage.

If you choose to keep your existing website and only use Member Jungle as a member portal. Then we can customise the Member Jungle member portal to look exactly like your existing website. Giving your members a seamless experience as they log in, update member details and renew their memberships.

#2 Membership Forms Customisation At Member Jungle

Membership Forms Customisation At Member Jungle

Our system lets new members quickly and easily sign up online and fill out a personalised application form. As the club admin, you can customise the information this form collects from your new members. 

You can collect as many custom fields as you need from your members, including file uploads for items such as insurance or image uploads for a photo ID on a club licence. If you are a club that requires members to register a particular item, for example, a car club registering cars or a dog club registering dogs. Then you can customise the form to collect this information too. 

You can also choose whether members can write in answers, select from drop-down menus, or tick boxes. Use these to learn about your member’s interests to better cater to what’s important to your members. Each form allows you to select which fields are required, who can view and edit them, and whether they appear on signup and/or renewal forms. You can also choose when a member can see or edit a field, but adding fields just to the signup form, or selecting that a field can only be seen by administrators only.

#3 Create Custom Member Levels With Member Jungle 

The Member Jungle System allows you to create different membership levels for your club. Each level can offer unique benefits, such as varying access levels, emails, information, and club perks. Additionally, you can create multiple products within each level, each with its own name, price, duration, and group members. Furthermore, you can create tailored forms for each level so you can collect information specific to that particular group of members.

If you’re unsure whether to use a membership level or a product, check out our guide on member levels vs products for more information. Additionally, you have control over various membership settings, such as fixed or rolling dates, group memberships, and renewal periods and also if you wish to utilise group membership.

#4 Create Custom Membership Products With Member Jungle 

You can create an unlimited number of products under each membership level, with varying durations, names, prices, and types. This includes automatic subscription types. Some products, like the Life Membership, may not be available for general sign-up and are only accessible to certain existing members.

#5 Create Custom Membership Emails With Member Jungle 

Create Custom Membership Emails With Member Jungle 

Member Jungle uses six personalised emails tailored to your club’s needs to streamline the membership signup and renewal process. These emails contain dynamic member information and are designed to appear as though you wrote to the member personally. 

The six emails include the following:


  • Manual Approval Emails
  • Approval Success Emails
  • Signup Welcome Emails
  • Renewal Reminder Emails
  • Renewal Success Emails
  • Auto Removal Emails

Manual Approval Emails

This email is sent if manual payment methods are turned on or if you require new or renewing members to be held for admin approval.

Approval Success Emails

This email is sent to all new members when they have been approved. It is typically used for companies integrating the business directory for instructions on completing their listing.

Signup Welcome Emails

This email is sent to all new members as soon as they are approved or have paid (if auto-approval is turned on). It typically welcomes them to your club, sends their paid invoice, gives them details on downloading the Member Jungle app, and sends them a digital copy of their member card.

Renewal Reminder Emails

This email is automatically sent to members when their membership expiry date is approaching. You can configure your site for the number of renewal reminders you wish to send and the time frames. For example, 14 days before, 2 days before, 7 days after, and 30 days after expiry. 

The system will then automatically send this reminder email to any members whose membership expiry date falls on these reminder times. Suppose the member renews from the first email. In that case, their expiry date will automatically be updated, and they won’t receive any following reminders.

Renewal Success Emails

Similar to the Signup Welcome Email, this email is sent to all members who have renewed their membership. It includes welcome content, their invoice, and a reminder to download and use the app.

Auto Removal Emails

According to the constitution of many membership organisations, you only have a certain number of days to renew your membership, or you will be removed and need to rejoin. For this reason, we have a setting in each membership product that changes expired members to removed in a set number of days. This email is then an optional email that can be sent to members to alert them that they must rejoin if they wish to return to the club. 

You can choose which of these six emails are needed for your membership organisation and configure them to suit your process and members.

#6 Group or Family Memberships With Member Jungle

Our group membership feature is linked to levels and products, making it easy for you to customise your membership system for family and corporate groups.

With this functionality, you control the number of members allowed in a product, such as a couple with a primary and secondary member or a corporation with one primary and three secondary members. Each product can have different prices, and primary members can manage their own secondary members. 

Secondary members have full access to all membership features and are included in all member communications. They also appear in your database for easy reference.

#7 Customise The Blog Module With Member Jungle

The blog module is designed to be used as a way for you to post blogs and educational information for your members. Basically, exactly the same way we use the blog function where you are reading this post. 

The blog module has endless possibilities. Some use it for content, while others use it for advertising and promotions. Some clubs have changed the name from “blog” to “classifieds” and use it as a section where members who sign up for a specific membership level can advertise and sell items and services. The limit is only your imagination.

What Else Can I Do With The Member Jungle System? 

We have only really brushed the surface of the ways you can customise and utilise the Member Jungle system to better serve your club. 

If you are looking for more ways to customise Member Jungle to suit you, why not read, Can Member Jungle Work With WordPress?

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the team, they will be happy to assist you.

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