What Are The "Hidden" Fees At Member Jungle?
There is nothing worse than buying a product and thinking you know exactly how much it costs, only to get stung with a bunch of hidden fees and charges afterwards. I'm not going to name any names, but the last time I bought a ticket to a show, I ended up paying double the ticket price in fees.
At Member Jungle, we do not have any secret hidden fees; we are open and honest with all the prices involved with our membership management system. However, to make doubly sure you don't experience any secret hidden fees or the anger and frustration that comes with them, I will break down every single fee and extra cost with Member Jungle. So, there are absolutely no hidden fees at Member Jungle.
Here are all the costs and fees with Member Jungle:
- Platform fee
- Stripe transaction fee
- Extra members
- Extra marketing campaign emails
- Extra marketing campaign text messages
- Website traffic and data limits
In this article, I will not be going over the price of the Member Jungle system itself, just all the other related costs that come along with it. If you want to know about the price of the Member Jungle system, you can read How To Work Out How Much Member Jungle Will Cost Your Club or check out our easy-to-use pricing calculator.
Service Fees At Member Jungle
The service fee is what we charge whenever you or one of your members make a purchase through the Member Jungle system. This includes event tickets, merchandise sales and membership renewals. This fee varies based on which of the three packages you chose.
The three possible service fees are:
- 1.2% + 69c (for Essential package)
- 0.9% + 69c (for Standard package)
- 0.7% + 69c (for Premium package)
It is worth noting that this fee only applies once per transaction, not per item purchased. This means that, unlike other services, if a member buys ten tickets in a single transaction, they will only be charged this fee once, not per ticket.
You can absorb this fee into your profits or pass it on to your members.
It is worth noting that you only pay service fees when selling via your system, meaning that we only make money when you do.
Stripe Transaction Fees At Member Jungle
At Member Jungle, we use an integrated Stripe payment gateway. This allows us to provide you with a safe, secure and quick way to accept payments online. The Stripe transaction fee is charged on top of the Member Jungle platform fees. Like the service fee, you can absorb both or incorporate them into your pricing.
The Stripe transaction fee varies based on card type and country, but it tends to be between 1.75% + 30c and 2.9% + 30c. You can view Stripe's Pricing Page to learn more about the Stripe transaction fee.
Paying For Extra Members With Member Jungle
All the Member Jungle packages have different numbers of included members. This is the number of members you can have registered with your club at no extra cost. If your number of members exceeds the included limit, you simply have to pay more for the excess members. The cost of excess members varies based on which package you choose.
The three possible costs of extra members are:
- $20 AUD per Month for 100 extra Members (for Essential package)
- $15 AUD per Month for 100 extra Members (for Standard package)
- $5 AUD per Month for 100 extra Members (for Premium package)
This extra cost simply covers the extra costs associated with maintaining a system with more members on it. Doing this allows us to have no member limits for any of our packages; you will never need to upgrade to a different package simply because you have too many members.
Extra Marketing Campaign Emails At Member Jungle
One effective way to promote your club's activities is through marketing emails. These emails can showcase new events, courses, deals, and sponsors. You can send them to both members and past event attendees who are not members. Moreover, you can select specific groups to receive the emails, allowing for targeted marketing efforts.
If you choose the Standard or Premium package, you will have free access to marketing campaign emails. This allows you to send a certain amount of marketing emails per month for free. This limit is determined by what package you have signed up for, with Standard getting 2,500 per month and Premium getting 15,000 per month.
If you want to send more emails than your included monthly limit, you can purchase more emails for $100 per 10,000 emails.
Extra Marketing Campaign Text Messages At Member Jungle
Marketing text messages are another great way to promote your club. They can do everything a marketing email can but better as they go straight to your member's phones.
Sending a text message is much more expensive than sending an email, and that is reflected in the prices and the amount of marketing texts that can be sent.
Marketing texts are a standard part of the Premium package and an optional extra with the Standard package. For this you get a total of 500 text messages. Due to the price of sending text messages, this 500 is a one off amount and will not refill every month. If you run out of text messages you will have to purchase more. You can purchase more texts for $70 per 500 text messages.
What Are The Website Traffic and Storage Limits At Member Jungle
At Member Jungle, we allow customers to use up to 50GB of data transit and 10GB of total server storage per month. Excess fees may apply if you exceed these limits, but it's rare as 99% of customers never do. In fact we have never had to charge a customer for using too much data.
Don't worry, if you do manage to go over these limits we will talk to you first and suggest a higher package or a clean up process. We will never just charge you without you knowing about it.
If you want to know more about data limits at Member Jungle read, Website Traffic & Storage With Member Jungle Made Simple.
What Else Do I Need To Check?
If you are at the point in your membership management journey where you are starting to look at all the fine print and trying to work out all the little details before you make a decision. Then you may want to read the following: The Top 3 Problems With Member Jungle.
Otherwise, have a look at Everything You Need To Know About Onboarding At Member Jungle.
Don't Let Your Committee Get Lost in the Jungle: A Guide To Member Jungle Committee Access
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I was looking into jungle-themed things to start this article when I was reminded of my all-time favourite moment from a documentary. It is from Burden of Dreams, the documentary
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Why You Should Involve Your Committee Members In Your Member Jungle Trial
21st June 2024
Committees are awesome. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They are an effective and fair way to organise anything. I know some people are unfairly critical of committees.
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How To Get A New Club Website For Your Club
7th June 2024
So, you think you’re probably going to sign up for Member Jungle. You have seen how the system works and how it can help you, but
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