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Recurring Club Events With Member Jungle

Category: Events

That’s right. The long-anticipated and highly requested ability to set up recurring events in the Member Jungle system has finally arrived. Now, when you set up a new event, you can set it to be a recurring event that repeats at whatever intervals you choose. You will no longer need to keep making new events for your monthly meetings or weekly catch-ups; just set it up once, set it to recur, and get on with enjoying your club. Life’s too short to set up 12 monthly identical meetings or, god forbid, 52 weekly ones, and now you don’t have to. 


ain't nobody got time for that meme


So, let’s dive into how these new recurring events work and how you can set them up yourself.

How To Set Up Recurring Events With Member Jungle

For the most part, recurring events work just like normal events through the Member Jungle system. The main difference is that when setting up your event under the General tab, there will now be a “Recurring Event” option below the date options. 

If you click this, you can set up your event to repeat every chosen interval. The available intervals are daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. The system will also take into account what day you have scheduled your first event for. For example, if your first event was held on Tuesday, the 22nd of September, the system would change your options to be:  

  • Daily 
  • Weekly on Tuesday
  • Every Two Weeks on Tuesday
  • Every Month on the 4th Tuesday
  • Every Month on the 22nd 

This allows you more power over exactly when your event repeats and, of course, how often. 


event details


You can also choose how long your event repeats for. This way, you can set up an event that repeats daily but only for one week or have an event that repeats monthly but for years. As default, your events will repeat for one year unless you change them.  

Besides that, the rest of your event set-up is just the same as it always has been. Only now, you only have to set up a recurring event once rather than clone and edit your events over and over again.   

Once your event is published, it can appear in a colour-coded format on your club's calendar or in the standard event list, offering your members a clear and visually appealing overview of upcoming activities. This allows them to easily see what's on the horizon and plan their participation accordingly. The calendar becomes a central hub for all your club's events, fostering engagement and ensuring that no one misses out on the excitement.


events' calendar


Editing Your Recurring Events With Member Jungle

Once you set up your event, set it to repeat at your chosen interval and publish it, you can still go in and make changes to it as necessary. You can modify nearly every detail of your recurring events. This includes editing emails, allowing you to maintain a fresh and engaging tone rather than sending out the same carbon copy email for every club meeting. When you make a change to your event, you can choose whether you are just making that change to the event you clicked on or whether you will be changing all following events. 

These rolling changes do not apply to ticketing, but we will discuss that in more detail below. 


event's recurring event


For example, let's say you have a standing club meeting on Wednesday nights every month at 7 PM. If someone is away one week, you can easily move that particular meeting to Thursday night while keeping all the other meetings in the series on Wednesday as usual. 

However, if you later discover that the pub where you hold your weekly meetings is about to close for renovations, you'll need to find a new pub to hold your events. As we all know, the most productive meetings happen in a bar.


drinking beer meme


Once you find a new bar for your monthly meetings, updating your events is simple. Just click on the event that will be the first one held in the new location, edit it, and then select the option to apply the change to "This and All Future Events."

Being able to edit select events on select dates and choose whether the changes are just for one event or for all of them makes organising dynamic, evolving, recurring events easier and quicker than ever before. 

I would like to take this moment to apologise for the phrase “organising dynamic, evolving, recurring events” it’s very salesy, but I just can’t think of a way to phrase it in a way that doesn’t make me sound like an old west snake oil grifter. 


I know a cure for all ailments meme


The point is being able to easily create recurring events and edit them at will, makes it super easy to organise events that reoccur regularly, like playgroups, club meetings and weekly catch-ups. Without having to make an event and clone it a seemingly endless amount of times. 


list of events


There are a few important points to keep in mind when it comes to editing recurring events. You can edit your recurring events after they are live, adjusting details like times, dates, locations, and emails, almost anything and it will update across the series of events. 

Recurring Events & Ticketing

While you can edit every little detail of your events and have the changes roll over to your upcoming events, the same does not apply to ticketing. Due to the fact that once tickets are created and the first event is made live, members may buy them, you can not edit existing tickets once they are live and have them roll over to all the events in the series. This is to ensure that the contracts and invoices of members who have already purchased tickets remain unchanged and are not affected by any modifications to the tickets.

How you configured the tickets for that initial event will remain the same for all future events in the series; these details cannot be altered like the other aspects. The only exception applies if you initially created the event as a non-ticketed event. In that case, if you go back later to edit it and make it ticketed, the new tickets will be cloned across all events in the series. 

If you need to add a new ticket, you must do this manually for each event in the series. Unfortunately, you cannot update the tickets once and have those changes automatically apply to all future events. 

You can inactivate and delete events in bulk. If you create a new series of recurring events and later realise you forgot to add ticketing or made an error with the tickets, you can easily delete that series of events in bulk and start fresh.

What Else Is There To Know About Events With Member Jungle?

Well, that is all you need to know about recurring events with Member Jungle. They work as normal; they are just now more convenient and will save you a lot of time and effort in the process.   

To find out more about the event system itself, read How To Run An Event With Member Jungle - A Guide.

To learn more about how we at Member Jungle are always evolving and adding new features to the system, read Member Jungle Product Releases: What It Means For Your Club.


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