Your Club Has Just Signed Up To Member Jungle - What Does That Mean For You?
So, your club has just joined up with Member Jungle, and you probably have a few questions. What does that mean, how will it affect me, and what even is a Member Jungle? Well, today, I am going to answer all those questions and many more so you have a proper grasp of what all of this means for you.
What is Member Jungle?
Member Jungle is a tool that helps your club run more smoothly and efficiently. It takes care of a lot of the behind-the-scenes administrative work, so your club's volunteers have more time to focus on what matters most, creating a great experience for members like you and getting to enjoy their passion, too.
Depending on what features your club has chosen to implement, you will likely get access to some, if not all, of these features:
- A new website
- A mobile app for club members
- New digital membership cards
- An easy way for you to renew your membership
- Easy login to access your details
- The ability to easily update your own information.
- Easy way to register and attend events
- Online stores to purchase club merch from your computer and phone
- Chatrooms so you can chat about events, with all members or in special interest groups
- And a lot more.
What Will This Process Look Like?
When your club goes live with Member Jungle, you will receive an email containing your username for the new system and details on how to create a new password to log in.
Once you've done that, you will be able to see when your membership is due, make sure your contact details are up to date, access your digital member card, download the app and a lot more.
Basically, this is going to make it a whole lot easier to keep up to date with what's happening at your club and make interacting with them much simpler.
What Effect Will This Have On Me?
I cannot say for certain what effects this will have on you, as each club is unique. However, hundreds of clubs and over 150,000 members already use Member Jungle, so I can make some well-informed estimations.
Chances are your club will start hosting more events, and those events will be of a higher quality as your admins will have more time to organise them. Finding out when events are on will be easier as there will be a whole system in place to inform you of upcoming events, and signing up for events will become much simpler. You will be able to see who is attending, register, buy tickets, and make payments online through your club’s website.
With Member Jungle managing tasks like renewals and registrations, your club can focus on building a stronger community and providing better value for your membership. You'll benefit from improved communication, easier event sign-ups, and digital membership cards
Overall, Member Jungle helps your club run better so you can get the most out of your membership.
How Will Membership Renewals Work Now?
With Member Jungle, renewing your membership is simpler than ever. You can now do it entirely online through your club's website with just a few clicks. That includes renewing at your current level or upgrading to a different one. While your club could still accept manual renewals or cash, they'll likely prefer the convenience and efficiency of online renewals. Be sure to check with your club for their specific renewal process.
When your membership is ready for renewal, you will receive an email from your club letting you know it's time to renew. An example of one of these renewal emails can be found below.
Once you go to your club’s website and log in, you just need to go to the Membership tab. From here, you will see a button to renew your membership.
Simply click this button and follow the steps to renew your membership successfully.
For more information on how to do this, you can read this Help article How do Members Renew Online?
You can double-check when your membership renewal is due at any time by logging into your club’s website and clicking on the membership tab.
This will not only allow you to check when your membership expires but check and edit all of your important details as well.
When your membership is coming up for renewal, you’ll get emails and notifications reminding you to renew, which you’ll be able to do in a matter of minutes from your phone or computer.
Will I Need To Use The Member Jungle App?
You can download the Member Jungle mobile app once the app is downloaded, you will be able to log in as a member of your club. This will allow you to chat with other members in group chats, view and sign up for events, and manage your details. Plus, you will have your digital membership card on the app, making life a lot easier than carrying around one of those constantly vanishing plastic ones.
However, you do not need to use the app. Personally, I would really encourage you to do so, as it is an excellent asset and will help you really get your money’s worth from your club, but it is not a necessity. It’s a bit like you don’t need to buy a car that has airbags, but it's probably best you do. The mobile app makes it quicker and easier to find everything you need about your club, and it’s all available in the palm of your hand.
Once your club goes live with Member Jungle, they will send you details on how to download the Member Jungle app from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. For more information on how to use the app, check out The Member Jungle Mobile App - As a Member.
Speaking of airbags, let me quickly introduce you to the only thing more dangerous than having a car with no airbags.
Yep, that is an airbag effectively turned into a shrapnel grenade. Education is so important.
Where Do I Find Information & Updates About My Club?
Member Jungle will likely give your club new ways to communicate with you. However, the extent of these new ways will depend on what your club chooses to use.
However, you may start noticing the following methods of communication: see the following things:
- New website and app with the latest news and updates
- Upcoming event calendar on the website and app
- Emails from your club
- Chatrooms on the mobile app
- Push notifications to your phone
- SMS messages from your club
The website may look a little fresher, and the login process will be new, but ultimately, you’ll continue to get all the information you need directly from your club.
However much does or doesn’t change, your club’s admins will be sure to get in touch to let you know how things work now.
Do I Need To Visit The Member Jungle Website?
No. Outside of reading this article, which I assume you’re doing on our website, there is no reason for you, as a member, to worry about Member Jungle. You don’t need to visit our website, email us or even acknowledge our existence; everything will be done via your club’s website.
The only reminder of our existence is the Member Jungle app, which will be called Member Jungle on your phone and will display with this icon.
However, once you are logged in, the app will only show your club’s information, not any Member Jungle stuff.
The truth is that your club is like a restaurant; you're a customer, the admin and committee are the staff, and Member Jungle is the company that fits out the kitchen. You might occasionally see our logo on things, but ultimately, we’re not really relevant to you.
Is My Personal Information Safe?
Yes. Member Jungle takes data security very seriously and does everything it can to keep your data safe. We will also never sell your data or pass it on to third parties. We do not store any payment information you use; our payment gateway, Stripe, securely protects all of your payment information. We will never contact you, the member of a club that uses Member Jungle, via data on your club’s site. That information stays between you and your club.
What If I Have Trouble Using Member Jungle?
The Member Jungle system is designed to be easy to use and understand; however, if you have a problem logging in, buying tickets, renewing your membership, or anything else, you need to alert your club.
We occasionally have someone who can’t log in to their club site (or something similar) reach out to us; in this scenario, we can’t do anything. That is a matter for your club’s admins. If you contact us with a problem, we will only be able to tell you to contact your club's administrators.
So, no matter what problem or concern you’re having, reaching out to your club is the call for any problems you are having.
Why Has My Club Signed Up With Member Jungle?
I think it is really important to note that your club’s admins/committee have probably been struggling to some degree. They are flat-out keeping your club afloat and enjoyable for you but at the cost of actually getting to enjoy it themselves. They have to spend too much of their precious time balancing spreadsheets, doing paperwork, and other brain-numbing tasks, and as a result, they don’t actually get to enjoy their club.
No one joins a club because they love spending their time doing tedious paperwork. So, try to remember how much this will be helping your club’s leadership and how much it will benefit the whole club, you included.
What If I Prefer The Way We Have Been Doing Things Before Member Jungle?
Look, I know change is hard, and you may prefer the way you did things before your club joined up with Member Jungle. However, as I mentioned above, the people who run your club didn’t make this decision for fun. Rolling over to a new system, transferring data, and setting everything up is no small task, so your club admins would have had a really good reason to do this.
Ultimately, this will improve your club and your experience, give your admins a well-earned break, and allow them to enjoy their club again. I guess what I’m saying is, give it a chance; I think you’ll find it will be better for everyone.
For more information on how to use the Member Jungle system and edit your details, please read How New Members Can Join Your Club Online.
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