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Launching A Community Package Specifically for Small Clubs


I have repeatedly said that membership management software like Member Jungle might not be the right choice for clubs with fewer than 100 members. I’ve said that we do work with some clubs with fewer than 50 members, but generally speaking, the maths might just not work for clubs that size. 

Many of you have been telling us that you run a small club with less than 100 members and really want to use a membership management system like Member Jungle, but you need one that is within your price range. 

Well, we have listened and have officially launched Member Jungle’s newest, most affordable package. The Community Package.

officially launched Member Jungle’s newest, most affordable package. The Community Package.

What Is The Community Package?

The new Community Package has been specially designed to include everything very small clubs need to run their club effectively, all at a price that actually makes sense for a club of that size. 

You can choose to pay your subscription monthly or annually; however, there is a 10% discount if billed annually. The Community Package costs only $49 per month if paid annually or $55 AUD per month if paid monthly. It also comes with a one-off onboarding fee of $199 AUD. 

The Community Package is a lightweight, stripped-back package with what you need to run your small club. You don’t have to worry about paying for the extra bells and whistles that a club of your size isn’t going to need. 

The Community Package Includes: 

  • A Custom Website 
  • Integrated Mobile App
  • Membership Management Module
  • Event Management Module 
  • Chat And Email Communications
  • Digital Member Cards
  • Online Training Sessions

Unlike our other packages, the Community Package comes with a hard limit of 100 members. You cannot have more than 100 members and cannot pay for extra members to be added to your Community Package. 

This hard limit on members isn’t a problem, though, because by the time you have more than 100 members, the Community Package will likely feel a little snug. You are going to start to need some of the more advanced features to manage your growing club effectively. This is where you can upgrade if you want to use one of our more advanced packages. Again, this is just an option; if your club never exceeds 100 members, you can keep on using the Community Package until the cows come home. 

Where Can I Find Out More About The Community Package?

To find out more about the Community Package, its inclusions and how it compares to our other packages, you can check out the Member Jungle Pricing Page.


Community Package


Which details all our packages, their various features, and basically everything else you need to know about Member Jungle’s pricing. 

Go Start Your Membership Management Journey

If you have a look at the pricing page and still have questions or are unsure which package is best for you, please reach out to a member of our sales team, who will be more than happy to help you in any way they can

Otherwise, have a look at either of the following articles to get some more information on how the pricing of Member Jungle works. Read How To Work Out How Much Member Jungle Will Cost Your Club and What Are The "Hidden" Fees At Member Jungle? 


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