Is Your Club Too Small For Membership Management Software?
Running a club can be challenging whether you have 50 members or 5,000; there are membership renewals to run, events to plan and a whole range of different personalities to manage. We at Member Jungle run membership management software that can help make running your club easier and less time-consuming.
One common and valid concern we hear from clubs thinking about signing up with us is if their club is too small for Member Jungle. The truth is that some clubs will be too small to be able to justify signing up with Member Jungle. So, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about how the size of your club will affect your Member Jungle experience and if your club is too small for Member Jungle.
It’s worth pointing out the elephant in the room here. We are Member Jungle; we obviously have skin in the game and, therefore, have a natural bias. However, I promise to be as unbiased as possible and only give you hard facts, no half-truths, no sales lines, just facts. Facts like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien once went to a normal party (not a fancy dress party) dressed as polar bears. Except the facts will be about clubs and membership management software.
Is Your Club Too Small For Member Jungle?
First, it is worth pointing out that your club will never be too small for the Member Jungle system to be able to work with your club; instead, your club may be too small to justify the cost of the system.
There are no hard and fast rules for how many members are too few, but generally speaking, any club with less than 30 members will likely be too small, and any club with more than 100 will be completely fine. We already work with a huge number of clubs that have less than 100 members and many with less than 50, so it is definitely possible for smaller clubs to make Member Jungle work for them.
How To Work Out If Your Club Is Too Small For Member Jungle
The basic maths here is the cost of the system divided by the number of members you have. Then, to work out if that number takes up a reasonable amount of your membership dues. Member Jungle’s pricing has been designed to be able to be absorbed into your club’s membership dues.
How Much Does Member Jungle Cost?
Member Jungle has three different packages available, all for different prices. There is the Essentials package from $89 per month, the Standard package from $169 per month and the Premium package from $319 per month. The good news is that if you're wondering if your club may be too small for Member Jungle, there is almost no chance that you are going to need the Premium package. So, don't worry about trying to fit $319 a month into your budget; that’s just not what we’re dealing with here.
A club with 60 members on the Essential package works out to only $1.40 per member per month. On the Standard package, it's $2.81 per member per month. If we look at the big picture, for a club with 60 members, the cost of the Essentials package per member for an entire year is only $16.80. That is a super affordable amount, no matter which way you slice it. You could absorb that $16 into your budget or up your membership dues by 16 a year. Either way, it will probably won’t break the bank.
Of course, that number starts to look even better if your club gets more members. Which a lot of clubs with Member Jungle do. In fact, on average, clubs have increased their member count by 69% since signing up with Member Jungle.
If you would like to find out more about how much clubs grow after signing up with Member Jungle, please read How Much Your Club Can Grow With Member Jungle.
What Else Can You Do To Help Afford Member Jungle
Having a good system like Member Jungle that your club can grow with over time is only useful if you don’t bankrupt yourself in the process. So, let’s look at a great way for small clubs to use the Member Jungle system to help pay for it.
That way is to use the Member Jungle system to gain more club sponsors to help offset the cost of the system. The Member Jungle system will save you more than enough time to allow you to really focus on getting more sponsors for your club. The system offers a wide range of ways for clubs to promote their sponsors better than ever before, making it easier to gain and keep club sponsors. The good news is that you don’t have to wait till the system is live to start organising this. You can start reaching out to potential sponsors now so that by the time you implement Member Jungle, you already have a few sponsorship deals in place.
For an actual breakdown of how this all works and all the ways you can promote your club’s sponsors with Member Jungle, have a read of How You Can Use Sponsors To Fund Your Club’s Membership Management Software.
How The Member Jungle System Will Save You Time
One of the most significant benefits of the Member Jungle system is the amount of time it will save you and your administration team. Many clubs that already use Member Jungle have reported that many of their admin tasks have gone from taking days and days of work to just a few hours. This has not only taken a lot of the stress away from running their club but has allowed them to expand what they are doing for their club.
With the added time, many admins have started planning more events, bigger events, running newsletters, online catch ups and various other extra activities that add value to their club.
What Is The Next Step In Working Out If Your Club Is Too Small For Member Jungle?
Chances are your club isn’t too small for Member Jungle, but that doesn’t mean you should dive in without looking.
You should have a look at the Pricing Calculator and work out exactly how much your Member Jungle package will cost. The following article will also walk you through that entire process if you feel like you want a hand: How To Work Out How Much Member Jungle Will Cost Your Club.
You should then talk to a member of our team and your committee and start working out if Member Jungle is the best decision for your club. Please read How To Plan Your Membership Management Software Budget if you need any help with that process.
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