
How to Get More Engagement with Video on Your Membership Website


In the modern internet world your customers are too busy to spend time reading your content, now they want quick answers and an easy format, the answer? Video!

Video is the perfect way to get your message across and get your customers (members or potential members) to engage with your content. Statics published recently suggest that customers are 72% more likely to press play on a video and engage with your content then read your offering on your website. Video makes it easy to help your prospects become customers, and these videos are also great for social media and for SEO purposes. With a fast growing trend to mobile browsing videos are an easy way for your members or potential members to consume your content without having to read slabs of text on a small mobile device.

In our opinion every website should have multiple videos on their site.

What are the best types of videos to have on my web site?

  • An explainer video, introducing potential members to you and your products and services.
  • Video testimonials, recordings of your existing members telling you how much they love your club.
  • On boarding videos for new members on how to use your club and its services
  • Introduce a committee member, via video interviews
  • Make a product offer for potential members and call them to action
  • Create FAQ videos to answer those questions that keep popping up.

What are the key things you need to know about making a video for your website?

  • Make it  Look Professional
    • These videos may be around for sometime in the Internet world, so make sure these videos look professional with good quality sound to convey the professional nature of your company. Producing a quick 30 second video can be as low cost as $1500 and if you think about the amount of times that video will be played that can be a very low cost way to get and convert new leads. New podcasting products mean that you can do this yourself. Grab a good microphone (we use Blue Yeti), a quality camera or good smartphone with a tripod and some good lighting - a good ring light does the job well as we also love the Lume Cubes (which you should be able to find on Amazon).
  • Use the Right Video Host
    • While YouTube is  the standard for hosting videos, and we would recommend you do that from an SEO prospective, there are more effective systems for data analysis out there. Take a look at Wistia. Wistia is a platform more designed for business then Youtube. It has a free plan option or more advanced features in the paid plans. There are some great tools such as, building in calls to action, ability to ask people to provide their email address to view a video, and even heat map analysis tools to see which parts on your video your customers engage with. VidYard is a great tool for creating quick videos, especially for direct, customised videos. It also has a great free plan to start.
  • Keep it on Point
    • When you think about an effective TV commercial it more then likely: told you about the product, and then called you to do something about engaging with that business, in less then 10-15 seconds. That is, what you are shooting for (forgive the pun), you want your customers to understand why you are talking to them and what they should do a quickly and simply as possible. The more effective you are at this the more likely you are to win a new customer.
  • Create Closed Captions
    • It takes a bit of effort but creating closed captions (subtitles) is great for your videos. It helps significantly for accessibility, in quite environments people can still view your video and it's great for SEO. Platforms like YouTube can auto-generate captions and then you can edit then to correct any issues. 


So plan out your video content and let us know how we can assist with implementing your new video, or if you need help finding some video production we can help too.

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