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Five Ways to Recruit More Members


When it come time for annual renewals, do you find yourself worrying that members won't renew? Do you find yourself chasing people to make sure they remember to renew?

With the Member Jungle Member Management Software, you won’t have to chase anyone anymore as members automatically receive reminders when their renewal period is coming up and is happening.

But how can you encourage members to renew and how can you attract newcomers? Here are five ways to do exactly that!


  1. Give Your Members a Gift/Incentive

A number of businesses offer members discounts when they join up, when they attend events and when they make purchases from the online store. You can offer things like this to help attract new members and keep your current members happy.

You could also go all out and actually give your members a gift when they join up. For example, Devil Ark sends each person a personalised gift when they sponsor a devil. This is memorable and makes the person feel special. Other companies are known to give their members personalised T-Shirts when they sign up and each year they are updated. With a new gift each year, it’ll attract attention from prospective members and give your current members additional motive to renew.

  1. Make it easy!

Most people don’t do things unless it’s easy. If you make it super simple for members to join, then you’ll have more of a chance to get and keep your members. If you have the links everywhere on your social media networks so all someone needs to do is press the link, fill in the details and voilà, then you’re on the right step. Make the form easy to understand and simple to fill out. Make it clear as day for people to locate the sections for members on your website and socials.

  1. Send former members a letter of motivation with a sign up form.

Working through Member Jungle, you can easily see who has not renewed their membership. If they haven’t, you can send them a simple letter to motivate them to join. Even after all the notifications sent out automatically through the system, they may still just need that extra little something from you. If you don’t want to lose them, you should try this as the last resort, explaining why it’s important they renew with your club.

  1. Thank Your Members

Everytime you pass a big number of members (100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, etc), you should send an email campaign to all your members and also make public social media posts thanking your members for their support. You could do a short report on how the club is going and what your future plans are. This way, all your current members and potential members will see the amount of followers your club has.

  1. This is most likely the most important step of all. Advertise.

Don’t be afraid to advertise your club. Make sure you read our blogs:
Getting On the Grapevine--Using Facebook to Attract New Members
Top Tips to Become a Social Media Expert AND

Member Jungle for Maximising Engagement---A Primer for Organisations

Advertising on social media is the best and cheapest way of advertising in this new digital world we live in. You can pay for advertisements online that target a specfic audience. Don't scrap the use of newspaper, radio, television, magazine and the good ol' yellow pages. Depending on what your club is, figure out what form of advertising is right for you and get started. Word of mouth is 100% the best mechanism so you need to get people talking. 

There are still certain advertisements that stick in my head! 1, 3, double oh, six tripple fiveeeee, oh six. AND of course the Huggies advertisement; 'I'm a big kid now'. 


There are our five important tips to help you recruit more members to your club. Sure there is a lot you can do but if you do the above well enough, you won’t need any other tricks!

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