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Emergency Contact Details and Your Club Members


Accidents happen; that’s just a fact of life. A friend of mine once drunkenly fell off a balcony and landed in a tree. While demonstrating to me what happened, he fell off for a second time. He missed the tree that time around. 

Unfortunately, an accident may one day happen during one of your club events, and if it does, it will pay to be prepared. To help with this, Member Jungle has just released a brand-new feature to help with this. This feature allows your members to add emergency contact details to their profiles. 


Emergency Contact Details and Your Club Members


Member Jungle’s new In Case of Emergency (ICE) Contact Details will be displayed on your members’ profiles on both the website and the mobile app. Allowing you to quickly access your members’ vital information while out and about. So, let’s talk about why your club needs emergency contact details and how to set them up. 

Why Your Club Needs The Emergency Contact Details Of Your Members  

This is probably pretty self-explanatory, but it’s worth going over anyway. As we’ve already established, accidents happen, and if one occurs during a club event, knowing who to contact is essential. 

Picture this: your hiking club is going for a morning hike. It’s a beautiful misty morning, frost-covered grass crunches underfoot, and the sun is just starting to peak through the mist and onto the trail. It’s a cold but beautiful morning, and there is nowhere you’d rather be in the world. Then poor Larry misses a foothold and goes for a wee bit of a tumble.  


Emergency Contact Details


Don’t worry, Larry’s fine, but his ankle is broken, and he is going to need to go to the hospital. As you watch one of the other club admins drive off with Larry towards the nearest ER, it occurs to you that you’re going to need to let Larry’s wife know what happened. You can’t just leave her to fret after poor Larry. So, you whip out your phone, fire up the member Jungle app and check Larry’s emergency details and right there at your fingertips are Mrs Larry’s contact details. Potential crisis averted. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a bushwalking club, car club or knitting club; there’s always the chance that there will be some kind of accident and knowing who to call will be critical. 

How To Set Up In Case Of Emergency Contacts For Your Club

Before your members can enter their emergency contact details, you must enable the fields as an administrator. To do so, you need to first go to the security tab of your website. Pictured below. 


Emergency Contact Details and Your Club Members


From here, you will need to click on “Accounts” in the left-hand menu. This will open up a drop-down menu under “Accounts”, then all you need to do is select “Edit Account Form”. Once you’ve done that, you will be met with the following page. 


Emergency Contact Details and Your Club Members


Here, you can turn on “Emergency Contacts” for your members. You can enable this feature and give your members the option to enter their emergency contact details, or you can turn it to required and force your members to enter their emergency contact details. 

For some clubs, just enabling ICE Contacts will be more than enough. For other clubs like bushwalking and outdoor activity clubs, making ICE Contacts a requirement makes sense. At the end of the day, it is your choice who you do or don’t use ICE Contacts with your club.  

How Members Add And Edit Their Emergency Contact Details 

Once you have switched ICE Contacts on from your security module, Members will be able to add and edit their emergency contact details in the exact same way they do the rest of their details.

Your members will simply need to log on to their accounts via either the website or the mobile app, and then they will be able to add and edit their emergency contact details. 

Once they have done this, you, as an administrator, will be able to check these details like you would any other demographic information on their profile. 

Emergency Contact Details and Your Club Members

Emergency Contact Details and Your Club Members

ICE Contact Details Need Internet Access

This is a very important disclaimer that you need to account for. If you do not have reception on your phone, you will not be able to access your members’ emergency contact details. For the vast majority of clubs, this won’t be an issue. However, for bushwalking clubs and others who are getting right off the beaten track, you will not be able to access your members’ details if you don’t have reception on your phone. 

Consider either printing out, writing down or simply taking screenshots of all the relevant ICE Contacts before your event if you are unsure of how good reception will be. Chances are you will never need the pile of app screenshots on your phone, and you’ll simply delete them at the end of each event, but it is better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them. 

More New Features From Member Jungle 

Emergency contacts are just the latest free feature added to the Member Jungle system. We are constantly updating and adding new and improved features to help you run your club more efficiently. 

If you want to know more about how this works and how it will benefit your club, please read Member Jungle Product Releases: What It Means For Your Club.

If you want to know how you can put in a request for a new feature and how we decide which feature suggestions become a reality, check out How Feature Suggestions Work With Member Jungle.


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