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Celebrating Volunteers

Category: Our Clients

It's National Volunteer Week here in Australia, and we are thrilled to be part of the festivities. We want to celebrate all the fantastic volunteers who selflessly give their time and energy. 

At Member Jungle, we work with a whole lot of volunteer-run clubs, and we get to see first-hand all the incredible work you are doing for your clubs and your community. 

Watch the video below where Michael Barwell, CEO of Member Jungle, expresses his heartfelt gratitude towards the amazing volunteers who generously dedicate their time to help others.

Video of Michael Barwell CEO of Member Jungle expressing his gratitude to volunteers

If you want to show your appreciation for the amazing volunteers who make your club a fantastic place, there are a couple of ways to do it. You could head to Volunteering Australia and send them an online certificate of appreciation. Alternatively, you can visit the Member Jungle Facebook page, find this post, tag your most valued volunteer, and thank them for always being there for you. 

national volunteer week


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