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7 Reasons Why Member Jungle Is The Right Choice For Your Club Or Association


If you’ve read a few other articles on the Member Jungle Learning Centre, I’m sure you know by now that we aren’t afraid to openly and honestly discuss our competitors, how we measure up against them, and which of them would be the best alternative if you decided not to sign up with us. 

We have done this a lot in the past and will continue to do it in the future. Today, however, we aren’t going to do that; today, we will look at why Member Jungle is a market leader in membership management. Don’t worry; this isn’t going to be some super salesy nonsense; I will still approach this article as factually and impartially as possible. 

1. Member Jungle Still Owns Member Jungle

It’s pretty common in the software industry for someone to start a business, run it for a few years, and then sell it off to the highest bidder. Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with this at all. Personally, if some massive company showed up at my door with a check for tens of millions, I would sell out faster than that guy did in the Reel Big Fish Song. (Was that a reference to a mid-90s ska-punk song? Yes. Is there a big audience for mid-90s ska-punk jokes? No.)


Member Jungle Still Owns Member Jungle


My point is that many companies, including membership management companies, have been bought out in recent years. Sometimes, this is a good thing, and sometimes, it's a bad thing, as the purchasing companies can start to strip away what made the system great in the first place. 

Despite several people trying over the years, Member Jungle has never sold out and isn’t owned by some conglomerate. All of the Member Jungle owners are employees and actively work in the business. So we are free to keep doing things the way we have always done them.  

2. Member Jungle Is Honest About Everything

At Member Jungle, our policy is to always be transparent in everything we do. That is one reason we talk openly and honestly about our competitors. It's also why you can find all of the information you need about our pricing on our Pricing Page, which includes a pricing calculator that helps you get the most accurate possible picture of how much Member Jungle will cost you. 

In fact, we do our best to talk openly and honestly about everything we do here. This is why I have written articles like What Are The "Hidden" Fees At Member Jungle? and The Top 3 Problems With Member Jungle. We will always do our best to be as honest and transparent as we can with you because, at the end of the day, lying to you will only waste your time and ours. 

3. Less APIs Means Better Data Security 

Now, don’t get me wrong. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are very useful. They allow multiple software programs to communicate and work together, allowing for more flexible systems with more possible integrations. A common example of this is the standard weather app on your mobile phone. It likely has an API with a weather bureau that allows the app to quickly receive up-to-date weather reports from that other system. 

APIs are basically the side door on every sitcom that allows cast members to quickly pop in to advance the plot along.  


I'm Jack meme


The issue with APIs is that the more side doors there are into your system, the higher the chance of a security breach. All you need is one of these auxiliary systems to be hacked or do something foolish with their data security, and then your members' data is on the line. 

For this reason, Member Jungle only offers very select APIs, preferring to keep our systems in-house. To learn more about Member Jungle's data security, please read How does Member Jungle protect your data?

It's also worth noting that Member Jungle will never sell your data or share it with third parties. To learn more about this, please read Keeping Your Club's User Data Private

4. Huge Amount Of Value For Money 

So, now let's talk about Member Jungle's price tag and the value for money that price tag gets you.

Member Jungle's pricing starts from $49 a month, depending on which package you choose, and this is on par with our competitors. So, why is Member Jungle worth that price tag?

Member Jungle offers an easy-to-use all-in-one system with a ton of awesome features, optional setup products and added value. Plus, the option to pay just over a thousand dollars for a custom website that is easily worth five or ten thousand dollars. Plus, you get access to Member Jungle's awesome and proactive support team, which is there to help you every step of the way. 

The truth is that Member Jungle is worth more than its price tag, but we deliberately price it as low as we can so the average club can afford it. It's no good having an awesome membership management system if it's so expensive you need to sell your firstborn to get it. 


give us the chlld meme


If you want to find out how much Member Jungle will cost your club, please read the below very aptly named article: How To Work Out How Much Member Jungle Will Cost Your Club.

For more on how Member Jungle can save you time and money, check out How to Save Time & Money With Membership Management Software

5. Member Jungle Is Always Developing 

Another massive benefit is that, unlike many software systems, the product you get from Member Jungle is continually improving and developing. Our development team constantly examines the system and determines what needs improvement and new features should be introduced. 

In 2023 alone, we released over 200 individual updates, new features and improvements to the Member Jungle system. Some of these updates were small, and some of these updates were really exciting, big new features. If you want to learn more about the new features that came out last year, check out All The New Member Jungle Features That Came Out In 2023

It’s worth noting that many of those new features were introduced thanks to customer recommendations. At Member Jungle, we always encourage our customers to give us feedback and submit official Feature Suggestions for features they wish the Member Jungle system had. This helps us work out how to continually evolve and grow Member Jungle into a more and more useful system. 

It’s worth noting that while only Member Jungle customers can lodge official Feature Suggestions, while on trial with Member Jungle, you can make unofficial suggestions with a member of our sales team, who can ask the development team about the feature. Quite often, someone asks for something that is already in development and will be coming out soon.   

If you want to learn more about how feature requests work, please read How Feature Suggestions Work With Member Jungle.

If you want to learn how these constant improvements and new features can benefit your club, please read Member Jungle Product Releases: What It Means For Your Club.

6. Member Jungle Provides Fast Support & Plenty Of Training  

There’s no point in getting an excellent, reasonably priced membership management system if it’s fiendishly complicated or if getting support when you have a question is like getting blood from a stone. 

That’s why Member Jungle prides itself on providing both an easy-to-access and fast dedicated support team and a wide range of free and paid training options. 

With a few clicks of a button, you can raise an online support ticket for any problem you might have and get a quick response from our support team, who are always on the case. For more information on how the support team works at Member Jungle and how they can help you, please read The 3 Ways You Can Get Customer Support From Member Jungle.

The training available to you as a Member Jungle customer can be divided into two categories: free and paid. 

The free training that is available to you is as follows:

The paid training that is available to you is as follows:

The point is that if you sign up for Member Jungle, you will absolutely not just be shoved in the deep end and told to swim. You will have as much ongoing support and training from members of our team as you need.

7. Member Jungle Is Membership Management Software You Can Feel Good About 

Member Jungle is a community-oriented company that has been striving to help the community since its inception. The company was founded by people who were in clubs and could see first-hand how inefficient managing a club was. They launched Member Jungle to simplify club management for people just like them. 

All Member Jungle sites use 100% renewable energy, and the company's office is powered significantly by solar power, where we generate more than we use. We plant trees for every club website, we have a blood donor team and are involved in adopting endangered native animals. Like this little guy


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